Expert Investors in the Paint and Petrochemical Industries

Neave focuses on the strategic investment and management of its portfolio of companies in the petrochemical and paint-related markets of South East Asia. In a world that’s ever-changing, we apply an innovative and agile approach to maximise the performance and value of subsidiaries in our portfolio.

As value-added investors with decades of management and manufacturing experience, we aim to create operational efficiencies and leverage our deep network to ensure success. At Neave, we look beyond current market conditions. With deep expertise and commitment to service, we’re motivated to improve industry standards, formulate strategies to enhance short and long-term potential and provide a broad range of solutions to ensure the success of companies within our portfolio.

Possessing the necessary vision, insight and experience to identify, acquire and unlock the possibilities for a wide range of businesses, Neave is unrivalled in its ability to maximise the performance and value of companies in its portfolio.

in the News

  • July 2022
    Revitalisasi 10 Lapangan Olahraga, NIPPON PAINT Berkolaborasi dengan Vindes

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  • July 2022
    Ajang Asia Young Designer Awards Jadi Jembatan Talenta Muda Sebagai Penggerak di Masyarakat

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  • May 2022
    Kembali Digelar, AYDA Angkat Hubungan Harmonis Manusia dan Alam

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  • April 2022
    Nippon Paint Donasikan 8.400 Liter Cat Untuk 51 Masjid di Indonesia

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  • April 2022
    Siap Sambut Tamu Saat Lebaran, Yuk Percantik Rumah dengan 3 Tren Warna Ramadhan 2022 Ini

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What we do

Colour the World

Imagine a colourless, greyscale world… At Neave, we make sure that this will never happen. We make paint and petrochemical products for a wide range of uses to ensure every inch of our manmade world can be beautiful.

But there’s more to paint than simply the colour, and we build technology into our products to help it last longer and serve a wide range of practical uses for both indoors and outdoors.

At Neave, we believe life’s too short to live in black and white. With a commitment to innovation, and a greener, more sustainable industry, we continually drive paint and coating technology for a brighter tomorrow.

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